On this page

1.1 Writing a check
1.2 Printing your first check
1.2.1 Automatic signature printing
1.2.2 Setting up personal checks
1.3 Printing out the check
1.4 Voiding a check
1.5 Recording other transactions


Also in Tutorials

2. Budgeting
3. Using Web Scout
4. Tracking expenses




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Monechron Tutorials

Lesson 1: Writing and printing a check; recording other transactions
1.1 Writing a check

Have at hand a bill you need to pay and a blank check from your checkbook (any size check will do) and follow the steps below

  1. The default Type of transaction is Check, which should be selected when you write checks.

  2. After Number, enter your check number.  

  3. The Date is always current so you don't need to do anything here. 

  4. The default account is Checking, From which you write your check. If you've entered more than one accounts and want to draw money from a savings account, select from the dropdown list.

  5. After To, enter the name of the payee.

  6. After Amount, enter the amount you pay.

  7. After Memo, enter the account number that appears on the bill. This will appear on the lower left corner of your check.

  8. After Category, select from the dropdown list relevant category for this transaction (optional).

  9. After Remind me, select how often you want to be reminded of the subsequent payments. The reminder will appear ten days before next due date. (If not a recurring payment, uncheck the small box to skip the step.) 

After the check is printed out, the information will be automatically saved in the register. Later, when you write a check to the same payee again, what we call a recurring payee, you need only

  1. Select the payee from the payee list on the left, and

  2. Adjust the inputs for the new payment and click on Print.

Should you change your mind about writing the check before printing it out, simply click on Reset to clear the inputs.


1.2. Printing your first check

Because Monechron uses all types and sizes of checks, and because different sizes of checks (even when they are of the same type, say, regular wallet checks) may vary somewhat in layout, you may have to adjust the printing settings to fit your checks the first time you use Monechron.

Click on Setup in the lower right corner and the screen should look like this

1.2.1 Automatic signature printing (optional)

You can have your signature automatically printed on every check. If you are interested in this feature, follow the instructions below:

  1. Write out your signature on a piece of white paper and scan it into your computer. (Kinko's can do this for you if you don't have a scanner.)

  2. Save the scanned-in signature as a .gif or .jpeg file. The file should have a transparent or white background and shouldn't be larger than 160-by-30 pixels.

  3. Click Browse to select your signature file and the signature will appear on the checks you print out through Monechron.  (Banks will accept your printed signature as if manually signed.)

If you do not wish to have automatic signature on each of your checks, skip this section.

1.2.2 Setting up personal checks

Now click on Setup Checks. The screen should look like this

On the screen you see a check set in the grid with five visible fields---Date, Payee, Amount of payment, the Written out Amount, and Memo, filled in with hypothetical outputs. Click on these outputs one by one, and their respective positions will be marked on the grid in inches and fractions from the top and the left edges of the check. The measurements of each output is also displayed in the Selected Output area on the right.

Signature, the sixth field, is invisible here. Click on the lower right corner of the check, and the field will show, with its measurements. (This field will be visible if you've set up automatic signature printing---See 1.2.1 above).

These six fields are common in all checks, though their positions on different types and sizes of checks may differ. To make sure that the outputs from Monechron will fit exactly in the fields on your checks, you may need to adjust the positions of the outputs on the screen before printing out your first check.

A simple way to adjust the outputs on the screen for your check is use the grid the program provides. But first you may want to see if your check is perfect for Monechron (It may, as it happens from time to time): Select the Type of checks (you're using) from the dropdown list and print out a sample check (on a blank sheet of paper). Hold it up to a light with your check behind it. If the outputs in the sample align perfectly with the fields on your check, you can skip the rest of this section and go straight to printing out your first check on Monechron. Otherwise, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on Print Grid to get a copy of the grid.

  2. Hold the grid up to a light with your check behind it and mark on the grid the exact location of each underlined field on your check.

  3. Note each field's distance in inches and fractions from the top edge and left edge on the grid.

  4. Click on individual outputs on the screen and drag each of them to the desired positions on the grid. (You can also drag to lengthen each item or drag the bottom line to enlarge/shrink the check.)

  5. Click on Print Sample again to make sure that the outputs on the sample check are properly aligned with the fields on your check. If not, make further fine adjustments until the alignment is satisfactory. 

You can also measure your check with a ruler:

  1. Take measurements of the fields on your check (in inches and fractions from the top edge and left edge on the grid).

  2. Click on each output on the screen, select the desired measurements on the right until you cover all five of the fields.

For example, suppose you've selected Regular Wallet checks, which is 6 inches in Width and 2 and 3/4 inches in Height. Click on the Date output 5/8/2003. The measurements in Selected Output tell you this item is positioned 1 inch from the top edge of the check, 3-7/8 inches from the left edge, and extends 1 inch long (or 1 inch in width). Now if the underlined field after Date on your check measures 1-1/2 inches from the top, you'd click on the second little box under From Top Edge to select the fraction of 1/2 from the list. And you will proceed with the rest in the same way.

Remember, you have to do this only the first time you use Monechron.

1.3 Printing checks after the first time

After you've set up your check, you're ready to print.

  1. Insert your blank check in the printer. Insert a regular wallet check as you would an envelope. If your printer has trouble printing on regular wallet checks, click on EZPrint to print out a copy. The simple device will help solve the problem. (See also FAQ)

  2. Make sure all the information you've entered is correct, and click on Print.

Well, you now have your first check in hand using Monechron. After the first time, printing checks on your Monechron should be quick and easy like a breeze.


1.4 Voiding a check

If you'd like to cancel the check you've just written and printed, click on the Accounts icon and you are in the transaction register

  1. Select the check you want to cancel from the list on the right.

  2. Click on Void.

  3. If you change your mind again, click Undo in the top right corner to restore the check.


1.5 Recording other transactions

If you're using Web Scout™, all your transactions through your bank---ATM withdrawals, transfers and deposits---will be automatically recorded and displayed in your transaction register. If you're using only an offline account, or if your bank's website is temporarily down, you can record transactions as you would write a check. Let's suppose you've just deposited a check of $500 in your checking account and would like to record it in Monechron now. What do you do? You click on the Pay and Record icon and

  1. After Type, select Deposit.

  2. After From, enter where your check was from.

  3. After To, select Checking.

  4. Fill in the Amount, $500.00.

  5. After Memo, enter Travel reimbursement (just pretending that's what the check was for).

  6. Click on Record and the transaction is saved in the register. (Note the new balance!)


If you have any questions, email us: support@qfxsoftware.com, or go to the User Manual for a more detailed description of Pay & Record and Register features.

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